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"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

Dr Philippa Donald


philippadonaldpsychotherapistlondon-2 co

"I set up Lifechanging Psychotherapy after 25 years of working in the public sector and out of a frustration of knowing that psychotherapy works but being increasingly unable to practice it in a public sector setting.


I discovered that you are most probably one of the many, many people whom public sector psychotherapy services - including those provided by the NHS - cannot or will not help.  This is particularly likely if you suffer from anything that can't be effectively treated with a very limited number of sessions of CBT or family therapy, and even this is becoming increasingly difficult to access.  


We know that our emotional and psychological wellbeing impacts on all areas of our lives.  We know that how we feel, what we have experienced and what we believe about ourselves and the world fundamentally colours our lives.  We truly are a product of our contexts, even if each of us is nevertheless unique in a number of ways.


Psychotherapy helps you to understand yourself and find out what you can and cannot change.  It can transform both your self and your life."

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